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Query Letter Cleanup: $50/ 1 pass or $80/ 2 passes

Writers looking to get traditionally published often send out query letters to agents they're interested in. The Query Letter Cleanup will help writers hone their query letter before sending it out to agents.

Outline Critique: $0.017/word, $100 minimum

For plotters, having a cohesive outline is imperative to completing a well-structured draft. We will look over your outline, providing feedback, asking questions, and guiding you in such a way as to help you prepare to write and/or edit your manuscript. Includes one pass and a reader report.

Back Cover Blurb: $50/ 1 pass or $80/ 2 passes

A back cover blurb needs to hook your readers' attention and make them curious enough to buy the book. It hits on specific points to communicate genre, central conflict, and stakes. This can be tricky to write, and we'd be happy to help you polish up your blurb in time for publication.

Blurb edits, outline critiques, and query letter cleanups require full payment at time of booking.



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